Okay so I have done my poses, created an AimOffset thing, and in the screens below you can see how I set up my Character Blueprint, Anim Blueprint (Event Graph and Anim Graph).
The problem here is that I don’t seem to be getting the mouse inputs (from the Character Blueprint) to be affecting the aimoffset. My wolf character just seems to keep his head down and to the left at (0,0). Is there something wrong with what I have set up here?
Character Blueprint where I’m trying to assign mouse inputs to a variable floats AimX and AimY
The first picture here is the Event Graph in my Animation Blueprint where I take the AimX and AimY from my Wolf_Character_bluePrint and assign them to AimOffsetX and AimOffsetY so that I can use them in my Event Graph. The second picture is of the anim graph where I would hope the AimOffset floats would be used.
However in the end, my wolf only looks down and to the left (0,0) and doesn’t respond to the mouse movements. What am I doing wrong? Is there another way I should be doing this? Thanks.