How to get IPropertyHandle for specific UPROPERTY in child of IDetailCustomization?

Hello! Recently I’ve tried customize details panel of my child of UObject (UCLASS), let call it UMyClass. So, I have a class, that inherited from UObject, that contains several fields of some structre (USTRUCT), let call it FMyStruct. FMyStruct contains field (UPROPERTY), let call it MyValue. MyValue is just int32 variable, it is must be editable for all instances of FMyStruct, except several of them in UMyClass. I mean that, UPROPERTY has flag EditDefaultsOnly, but I need, that it must be VisibleAnywhere for several fields in UMyClass.

So. We’ve got this class

UCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType)
class MYPROJECT3_API UMyClass: public UObject

    UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Base Fields")
    FMyStruct EditableStruct;

    UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Slave Fields")
    FMyStruct ReadStruct;

I’ve found, that IDetailCustomization can helps me. I’ve created children of this class, let call it FMyDetails. I’ve implemented inherited method CustomizeDetails and I’ve added method MakeInstance as it recommended here Details Panel Customization in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation. So… in CustomizeDetails I can get properties of related class, in my case is UMyClass, and I can make very different rock things.

I’ve tried get instance of IPropertyHandle by struct name DetailLayout.GetProperty("FMyStruct.MyValue") as pointed here Details Panel Customization in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation, I’ve got a segfault. I’ve pointed by the field name DetailLayout.GetProperty("ReadStruct.MyValue") it works, but changing IPropertyHandle affects all instances of FMyStruct, that are fields in UMyClass. I’m going on, because I need customize specific fields… when I point DetailLayout.GetProperty("ReadStruct.MyValue", nullptr, "ReadStruct") or DetailLayout.GetProperty("FMyStruct.MyValue", nullptr, "ReadStruct") I’ve got a segfault.

So… after this I’ve figured out, that instance of IPropertyHandle, that I got is invalid. Checked by IPropertyHandle::IsValidHandle. I saw on sources Engine\Source\Editor\DetailCustomizations but they doesn’t have similar. At least grep doesn’t show me something.

And my question: how can I get Handle for specific UPROPERTY?

Sorry if my English is not clear.

I’m not sure why it wouldn’t work using the property path, but you could try doing this instead:

auto ReadStructProp = DetailLayout.GetProperty(TEXT("ReadStruct"));
auto MyValueProp = ReadStructProp->GetChildHandle(TEXT("MyValue"));

I think that should work.

No, ReadStructProp is ok, but MyValueProp is null. I mean, that TSharedRef contain null value in field Object. But TSharedRef has been initialized. But it is not important. And, as expected, I’ve got a segfault. :frowning:

This even doesn’t allow to make MyValueProp->IsValidHandle().

Did you ever come up with a solution to this? I am having a similar issue.

No, I didn’t. I stopped using ue4

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