How to get iOS devices to 'find session' that is locally hosted over LAN by a PC?

Hello! I’m trying to use blueprints to setup a cross-platform LAN network where iOS clients to connect to a PC hosted local server. Unfortunately, my iPhone doesn’t seem to be able to find the session hosted by my PC over a wireless LAN network using the “session” blueprints. Is this something that should be supported in blueprints or will I need to write my own solution in C++?

My iOS app ID capabilities include all the available networking features.

Config/DefaultEngine.ini includes:


Config/IOS/IOSEngine.ini only contains:


Create Session blueprint:

Join Session blueprint:

Also tried using the “open” console command to no effect:

u need 2 include plist
tbh i try to do this as well is doesnt work for me either!! :frowning: what do we do lol

we need solution fr this