How to get interacting in VR working on datasmith imported solidworks file in UE4?

Maybe a easy question or a quite complex, I don´t really know, but I can´t be the first that get stuck on this issue. I have imported solidworks files into UE4 with datasmith, for viewing in VR I don´t have any problem and all that works fine. Now I would like to take it one step longer, I would like to interacte with the imported files, pick it up, push etc. I am using the VR template and I would like to get some thing working similar to the “blocks” in the template.
I have tried to copy the “blocks” data as much a possible, but can´t get it to work on the imported files.

Can someone help me get on the right track?


the VR template has been reworked in 4.27 so the way you manipulate actors might have changed compared to previous versions.
On 4.27 it seems you need to add a “GrabComponent” on actors you want to manipulate. Did you do that?

You could have a look at the Collab Viewer Template too: Collab Viewer Templates | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation
It comes with some show/hide, navigation and annotation tools. Those might be more fit to your needs.

Thanks for the answer.
Not sure what you mean by add “Grabcomponent”. So I have probably not done that. Can you describe it more?

I will defenetly have a look at the Collab viewer template.

The cubes and guns have “GrabComponents” added to the static mesh / skeletal mesh components of the actor.
Here the components have been added to the blueprints directly: the Pistol and Grabbable_SmallCube blueprints.

The GrabComponent is where the code to attach/detach a component to the motion controller is done.

I would start by adding a grab component on one of your static mesh actor, putting the component under the static mesh component.
Your actor will have to be Movable in Mobility settings.
There might be some collision / physic settings to tweak too, but not 100% sure and cannot test right now.