How to get full list of methods and members of class/struct

In my tutorial there is code

float DeltaHeight = FMath::Sin(RunningTime);

I looked through the struct FMath, but did’nt find the sin() method in it. Intellisence says, sin() - is method of FGenericPlatformMath

I found out that FMath derived from FPlatformMath, FPlatformMath is FWindowsPlatformMath (typedef), and finally FWindowsPlatformMath derived from FGenericPlatformMath. So, i have to do real investigation to find real full list of members of something.

Another example - FVector
For some reason, not all members of the FVector struct are displayed in the “Class view” or “object browser” in Visual Studio. For example, the Fvector methods are not displayed at all. In addition, object browser is very very slow and stupid. Computer freezes while i find FVector in object browser (or after clicking to different search results in object browser with long list of results). Despite of 16 gigabytes of RAM and ryzen 3 with a high-speed ssd. Documentation with full list of members (with inherited methods and members) I can’t find too. So i`m trying to do something like a blind kitten trying to figure out what class can do, functions, etc.
How to get full list of methods and members of class/struct correctly/easely?

Most people here use Visual Assist to handle this kinda stuff

ALT+SHIFT+S “Vector.”

Blam. VAX is worth every penny.

OK, i`ve got it. But ALT+SHIFT+S “Vector.” just opens fvector declaration file (NoExportTypes.h).
I was ashamed to ask such a simple thing, but what should i do next, to get list of FVector members? :slight_smile:

IMO, go to the manual, rather than relying on VS, although VS works fine for me for the most part.

manual does not show the entire tree of class members (with members of parent classes). As i mentioned in my example about FMath::Sin()

When working with blueprints, it`s very easy to find all the members/methods containing keyword you are looking for. I need something similar in VS

Doesn’t really exist as far as I know, you just go to the class and look at the code. I doubt it would be useful anyway 99% of the time to have all the low-level engine stuff showing in that list too.