How to get FString Unicode representation?

I want get FString’s numeric Unicode representation of the first letter

in UE3 I can use Asc() function:


int Asc ( string S )
The Asc() function returns the numeric Unicode representation of the first letter of the given string S.


Asc(“A”); //returns 65

Because it not really needed in C++ or even C as you can directly cast any type to int as all variables are sequences of bytes which can be casted to int. FString is array of TCHARs so you can use [] to get perticilar char


I also find TChar<TCHAR>::ConvertCharDigitToInt(String[0]); that does similar thing:

static inline int32 ConvertCharDigitToInt(CharType Char)
	return static_cast<int32>(Char) - static_cast<int32>('0');

I’m trying

it work, thank you