How to get FP Camera to look at object?

Hello! So as i wrote in the title… How can i get my FP Camera to look at an object for like 5 seconds (player can’t move the camera or the character when that happens ofc) and after the 5 seconds are completed to get the camera to move back to its initial position where the player can move again.
Is there a simple way to do this? i really don’t know but if it is and you have a SS of the BP or even better a link of a youtube tutorial about this… please leave them in the comments as it would be easier for me to understand, but any kind of help or explanation is appreciated of course. Thank you and i’m sorry if there are any grammar mistakes!

The best way is a with a view blend. You actually have a second camera and blend between the two. It looks like the FP camera moving.

You can’t have the second camera in the player, it needs to be alone or in a blueprint actor in the level.

If you put it in a BP, you can detect overlap and do the blend very nicely.