How to get Fiends to Agro from far away?

I am trying to create a little game mode using UEFN where waves a fiends attack the player’s base. I want to use the fiends and not the other AI characters. So I placed a creature spawner to spawn the fiends. the problem is it seems like the spawner is too far away and the fiends just stand there until I walk closer. Is there any way to increase their agro distance?

You can see in the screenshot that I am not super far from the spawner. I tried to use verse to try to programmatically move the fiends, here is the code:

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

# See for how to create a verse device.

# A Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
fiend_manager := class(creative_device):
    @editable TeamOneFiendSpawners : []creature_spawner_device = array{}
    @editable TeamTwoFiendSpawners : []creature_spawner_device = array{}
    @editable TeamThreeFiendSpawners : []creature_spawner_device = array{}
    @editable TeamFourFiendSpawners : []creature_spawner_device = array{}

    @editable TeamOneObjective : objective_device = objective_device{}
    @editable TeamTwoObjective : objective_device = objective_device{}
    @editable TeamThreeObjective : objective_device = objective_device{}
    @editable TeamFourObjective : objective_device = objective_device{}

        # Subscribes all spawners spawn events
        for (X := 0..TeamOneFiendSpawners.Length -1):
            if (Spawner := TeamOneFiendSpawners[X]):
    FiendSpawned(Agent: agent):void=
        # Grabbing the agent from the Spawned Event and grabbing the associated fort_character
        if (Fiend := Agent.GetFortCharacter[]): 
            # Set their target to be the defense objective
            Print("Fiend Spawned");
            NavigationTarget:navigation_target = MakeNavigationTarget(TeamOneObjective.GetTransform().Translation)
            if(FiendNavigatable := Fiend.GetNavigatable[]):
                Print("Navigating Fiend to target");
                spawn{NavigateToTarget(FiendNavigatable, NavigationTarget)}

    NavigateToTarget(Navigatable:navigatable, NavigationTarget:navigation_target)<suspends>:void=
        # The radius in cm the AI agent should start following from.
        Radius:float = 40.0
        Navigatable.NavigateTo(NavigationTarget, ?ReachRadius := Radius)

The issue I ran into with this approach is the Fiend doesn’t seem to implement the navigatable interface:

if(FiendNavigatable := Fiend.GetNavigatable[]):

execution doesn’t get ever get past this if statement. I am open to any ideas or suggestions


Did you ever find a solution to this?? I’m running into this issue now as well. Thanks!

Same here, any luck?