How to get Fastbuild going?

I can see that Epic Games added Fastbuild as part of the UE5 with it’s own ActionExecutor and also added binaries at Engine\Extras\ThirdPartyNotUE\FASTBuild
Seems to be really easy to get going since Epic already did most of the job, however it seems like I am missing something. Was someone able to make it work?

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Here is my setup.put the BuildConfiguration.xml,for example C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool

Do adjustment of FBuildExecutablePath which is the fbuild.exe location
FBuildBrokeragePath which is a folder in compute,if none,create one.

I test it in UE 5.1 in my computer

Im also little lost. there are so many guides but i can’t seem to get this working om 5.1

I’m not sure how to merge the provided BuildConfiguration.xml with the existing one. Im assuming he met setup.put is the zip file as an archive

Also tried following but that seems not work for 5.1 as the cs files don’t look the same

I assume this is very simple as no one is asking about this.

Are you using FastBuild to compile c++?