How to get dimensions of a Texture 2DDynamic?

I’m downloading images from an url with the download image node. This gives me a Texture 2DDynamic which I have been able to successfully display on a widget. The images may be of different size and I would therefore like to be able to get the dimension (X and Y size) of the image to be able to resize the canvas panel slot where my image component resides in the widget. So I’m looking for something similar to the get size x and get size y which works for a Texture2D but not for a Texture 2DDynamic.

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I have the same issue and I cannot find a solution.

If I cannot get the dimensions, could I at least get the aspect ratio of the downloaded image?

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Hello asjobom and Vaidas,

the Texture 2D Dynamic stores it’s size in two public variables, namely SizeX and SizeY. You could write a simple Blueprint Function Library to expose them to Blueprint.

For example:

This goes inside the Blueprint Function Libary header file:

static int32 GetTexture2DDynamicWidth(UTexture2DDynamic* InTexture2DDynamicReference);

Important to note, you’ll need this include:

#include "Engine/Texture2DDynamic.h"

And this goes into the .cpp file:

int32 UMyBlueprintFunctionLibrary::GetTexture2DDynamicWidth(UTexture2DDynamic* InTexture2DDynamicReference)
	if (!InTexture2DDynamicReference)
		return -1;

	return InTexture2DDynamicReference->SizeX;

And the same goes for the height (or SizeY) you can make a second function or combine them it’s up to you.

Hope that helps. Just let me know if you need further assistance.




This solved hours of headaches, thank you so much!

Not sure why SizeX and SizeY aren’t exposable to Blueprints by default but they really should be!


SizeX and SizeY should be exposed to blueprint. @epic

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its included in the Volumetrics plugin which goes with the engine.