How to get DataChannel label in Delegate OnDataChannelOpenNative after Upgrade PixelStreaming to UE5.1?

We have two data channel. One is named “InputEvent”, and another is named “CustomMessage”. The “InputEvent” is for mouse and keyboard events. The “CustomMessage” is for project business usage.

When UE5.0.3:
Delegate OnDataChannelOpenNative in UPixelStreamingDelegates has two parameters:

  1. FPixelStreamingPlayerId PlayerId
  2. webrtc::DataChannelInterface* DataChannel
    We can use DataChannel->label() to distinguish “CustomMessage” from “InputEvent”.

When UE5.1.0
Delegate OnDataChannelOpenNative in UPixelStreamingDelegates has three parameters:

  1. FString StreamerId
  2. FPixelStreamingPlayerId PlayerId
  3. FPixelStreamingDataChannel*
    We cannot distinguish these two DataChannel.

Is there a way to distinguish them?