I want to get a current pc support resolution list . how can I get it with unreal4
Solus tutorial wiki has a section on it:
Here is the code snippet:
static FORCEINLINE void GetDisplayAdapterScreenResolutions(FScreenResolutionArray& Resolutions)
if (RHIGetAvailableResolutions(Resolutions, false))
for (const FScreenResolutionRHI& EachResolution : Resolutions)
UE_LOG(YourLog, Warning, TEXT("DefaultAdapter - %4d x %4d @ %d"),
EachResolution.Width, EachResolution.Height, EachResolution.RefreshRate);
UE_LOG(YourLog, Error, TEXT("Screen Resolutions could not be obtained"));
So it means I must use the plugin from rama
That’s not true. It is an engine function that collects the resolutuions. His example just shows how to do it as a game play static. Here are the official docs:
I work it out thank you