How to Get Cubic Vehicle to Move Without Rolling?

I’m trying to make a simple vehicle as a pawn using cubic voxels. Because the voxels are cubic, the vehicle is often catching on the ground against the edge of the collider. This send the vehicle into a tumble. How can I get it to smoothly roll against the ground while maintaining the cubic collider shape?

Why won’t my square wheel roll like a sphere? I do wonder why you even want to do this.
Anyway for a positive contribution you could perhaps

  1. break your square wheel into multiple smaller square wheels
  2. have multiple square wheels offset at angles to create one master wheel
    But why bother?

A lot of game dev is smoke and mirrors, so I don’t think my question is that ridiculous. Also, it’s all one unit, there’s no wheel component added to the body of a vehicle. If you don’t think my problem is worth solving, then why bother responding?

I gave you two possible approaches and also asked why you would want to do it.
Make of that what you will.