So, I want to kill the character when the speed is 0, but i cant figure out how to get the character speed. it doesnt matter for the direction (velocity). How to get this value and set if else value, like, if the speed = 0 then kill character?
Thank You redbox! it works, but i got another problem, because i’m using event tick to make my character auto run, i dont know how to connect event tick to this 2 nodes. Any solution?
Thank you redbox, using the sequence it worked, but what do you mean by connect the branch right after node which sets velocity? Is it in my movement nodes? My movement nodes just contains a movement input that connects to sequencer. Or do you mean anything else?
Yep just like i said before, my movement nodes is very simple from the event tick → sequence → add movement input. But nevermind redbox, it’s solved, thank you very much for your answers