I'm importing a mesh from Sketchfab which was created using Reality Scan. The mesh looks fantastic in Sketchfab and when I import it to Unreal Engine 5, but when I use the Twinmotion import the quality is noticeably diminished. Is there some setting or process which can allow for the full resolution and clarity of the mesh in Twinmotion?
Mystery partly solved, yet I have not found a solution. Apparently, RealityScan bakes in lighting. I found that the meshes look well illuminated in unlit mode in Unreal Engine 5. I imagine the solution will either be figuring out how to remove the baked in lighting or figure out how to change the way Twinmotion lights the object. Anyone know how I might go about doing this?
I took a look at that asset and you are right that the lighting is the cause. Everything about the model is the same in Sketchfab, UE, and Twinmotion, but the only difference is the lighting. In Sketchfab and unlit UE, the environmental lighting, or lack thereof, means the model is lit equally from all sides and there won't be any shadows. Once you add a directional light, such as the sun in Twinmotion, you'll notice the shadowing.
If you have a Path Tracer capable GPU, you can get better results by enabling Path Tracer.
Without Path Tracer, adding an area light larger than size of the cake should minimize shadowing and give you results more reflective of the Sketchfab preview.