How to get attached actor velocity?

I want to get the independent speed of attached actors.
Getting the parent’s speed will result in errors depending on the distance and position, and it will not work unless the parent is attached.
For unknown reasons, the Get Velocity node does not work for attached actors. Get Component Velocity too.
Actors do not use physics.
Does anyone know how to do this?

Get Component Velocity node needs the physics to be enabled in order to work. But if you don’t want that, you can handle that calculation yourself the classic way, by storing it’s location x seconds prior and subtracting the current one from that. That would give you the velocity, and you can get it’s magnitude by using the Vector Length node. Hope this helps! :blush:

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But if you don’t want that, you can handle that calculation yourself the classic way, by storing it’s location x seconds prior and subtracting the current one from that

Do I need a delay to do this?
I think there is a problem when doing calculations with Tick.

Sure delay would work. What’s the problem though?

I haven’t heard much about combining delay and tick.
I am concerned about performance problem.
If i have many actors that execute this process, the Delay to wait for the process will be executed massive times in ticks.

The blueprints don’t run nodes the same way your lines are run in C++. Blueprints always execute the code constantly no matter if there’s a delay or not, the delay node only affects the nodes that come after it and for the nodes before that, no delay is applied. As I said, they already get triggered constantly. So if you have any other nodes that are connected to the Event Tick node, they also get triggered every tick just like your delay node. There isn’t an additional process going on to cut the execution of the nodes before the delay.

Also, why are we stuck on delay anyways? :sweat_smile: It’s not the only way to achieve this goal. You can also use timers if you don’t want to use that.

(I was trying out the new line seperator thing I just found :rofl: )

Okay, I’ll give it a try. Thank you very much.

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To add a bit.
it’s better to calculate every tick. because the movement happens every tick.
you can do this

and if it’s a component just swap the get actor location to get component world location

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