How to get around collision capsule for character

I’m trying to make a multiplayer game with blueprints only, and I’m following the official tutorials for making a playable character and stuff. Well what I find stupid is that they don’t tell you that the playercapsule isn’t removable because it’s integral to player movement, so basically what that means is you’re stuck with pill shaped collisions for your character. Which is bareable if you don’t have crouch and prone animations/ states, since you’d have a pill shaped collision following you, floating feet above your torso if you’re prone. What do I do? I’ve tried using pawns but there isn’t really a good amount of tutorials for player pawns, and I’m fairly certain you need to get into code territory if you want complex movements on them.

At present time, when deriving from ACharacter, you cannot use any other collision component in place of a capsule since all movement logic is tied to it. However, you can modify the height of the capsule at runtime if your character crouches. Have a look here: Set Capsule Half Height | Unreal Engine Documentation

The alternative is to derive your player from APawn and assign whatever collision component to it. You will have to rewrite the movement logic though.

What kind of collision you want to use?
I did 1 tutorial with “tank” collision and it worked fine…

You will need enable physics… then set friction with ground to some lower values and then add impulse to physics object…

Maybe you can make cube collision vith blueprints, but you must pretty well define behavior how to act when you run to hill (e.g. setting actor location up) or when you collide with cube corner to some static collision (like push back + rotate)… imo it may be challenge

I’m dealing with similar issues. It depends a lot on what your prone behavior needs to handle. The easiest option might be to reduce the capsule size and radius, then do capsule or sphere traces for the upper body and legs to find surfaces you can move on or prevent you from clipping into other ones. This can all be done in blueprints without much trouble. The biggest issue is more likely the complexity of the environment the character needs to move in.

What I’m doing is using additive collisions (capsules, boxes) and their begin/end overlap events to enable/disable movement input. For transitions prone -> crouch/stand I’m doing line traces upward to determine if there’s head room. Same approach for going prone.

Here’s an example.https://.com/watch?v=5VzygjoKXUQ
** Note: character velocity has an impact on when the overlap event fires. Moving fast the collision overlap is a bit delayed. You may need to adjust for this by moving the collision outward as you accelerate.