I have this enemy AI and I want him to be able to choose to destroy a door, (which is a destructible object). I need to be able to do this in the behavior tree however I have no ideas on how to do this. Does anyone have any ideas that could help?
mm I do not now your setup but for example: you could assign a task that make the actor walk into it when it near it.The actor should have a component with collision enable and physics ,it will collides with the door, you break the hit result and call in that position, “add radial damage” (specifically the one designed for destructible components in 4.15).
You should consider,
when do you want the actor to be able to destroy the door,
play with the physic state of the door, set it from bp to (disable/enable).
check the collision states. of the door and colliding actor.
the “door bp” could have a function that sets everything ready and even fire impulse to destroy it self, and you call it from the other actor.