How to get an emissive texture to not look super blown out?

Hello! I am trying to make my texture not look all blown out and ugly when I make it emissive. I know I can turn the emissive strength down by multiplying by a scalar, but I was wondering if there was a texture setting or something I was missing to make this not look so awful. Thanks!


I think this might actually happen because the previewer of the material is lit, but then I have the same problem when I view material in an environment or in Niagara, so I’m not sure if there’s really a solve here… Would definitely still appreciate any advice for getting it to look good in an environment .

Hi Anna_Jean,

You can change the “Brightness” setting in the texture editor there, but I think scaling the value down in the material is a good way to do it - then you get to control exactly how emissive it is…

If that’s still not giving the look you want, maybe post a snapshot of what it’s looking like in your level and describe how you want it to look…

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It was the post processing that was giving me that look! The auto exposure was blowing things out. Thank you so much for your help RecourseDesign, adjusting the brightness in the texture is great as well!