How to get actors from a specific content folder after building the game

I’m making a spawn menu for the game mods, but I can’t get references to any class without spawning it or specifically choosing it. I need to somehow get all the classes from a specific folder in the game content to add them to spawn menu. Is it possible to do that? I already made a bunch of test mods and I can replace some existing objects from the game with them, but i need to find a way to spawn them without replacing another object with each mod and with ability to add more mods without changing the spawn menu code

Found a solution to modding by trying everything. Class reference looks like that:
If you manage to get all the filenames from the folder you want, you will get the actor names that you need, then you can append the path and other things to it to create the name you needed, which you convert to soft class path, which you then convert to class reference through “Load Class Asset Blocking”. With victory plugin you can make it in a blueprint form by getting game directory and searching for the path you need

then you can use the files you found to artificially create the actor paths and convert them to actor references

It won’t work for non-modded things, with victory plugin you can make an editor-only blueprint with asset registry to write all the names into a text file and use it, but if you’re not afraid of structs and databases then you should probably use them for convenience.

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