How to get accurate collision on very large and animated skeletal mesh?

Hey all, I have a feeling this is gonna turn into a large thread of me talking to myself but here we go!

I am trying to find a way to get accurate collision on very large skeletal mesh. Primitives are far too well primitive and cannot manage areas of the moving mesh like hip joints and the like very well.

Per Poly Collision being the next logical step works and doesn’t work. My character and other physics objects can land on the mesh, but any moving part wont impart any force on anything. ( see the gif ) the cubes land on the tail, but the tail animation then stops interacting with them… I have also tested this with a simple trace and the trace does correctly hit the mesh as expected. So the collision is there, it just wont interact with other objects

(mesh is this small just for testing, You can see the real size in the background and even that one is just a white box)

I expect the true solution to be a mix of a few techniques. I will use primitives or custom collision meshes where I can, But I will need some “soft” collision for parts of the mesh that bend and stretch a lot. Hips and tail and the like.

Has anyone ever managed something like this on here?


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Here is a test I have set up for per poly collision. (Red box is skel mesh with per poly on, Blue boxes are static mesh with physics enabled)

You can see it sorta works, Objects can rest on top of it (it is slowly sinking in) but it wont interact with objects when it animates into the


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