How to get access to UPhysicsHandle from other Blueprint?

I’ve created a Blueprint Interface to handle interactions coming from my First Person Blueprint. From what I can tell, all it does is send out a signal to another Blueprint if the the Primary Action key is pressed.

I’ve used this to find out the component and actor that the player is looking at at the time of pressing the Primary Action button and then running an implementation of the Interaction inside a blueprint that, for example, opens and shuts a door.

I also have a Grabber with which I can pick up objects and release them. My issue is how do I combine the two so that I can interact with a blueprint if I press the Primary Action button while holding an Actor/Item in my hand.

I want to check if and which item the player is currently grabbing inside a Blueprint that is essentially a cup for a liquid. So the logic goes:

  • Player is currently grabbing object
  • Player is pressing primary action on cup while holding said object
  • Blueprint of cup registers that the player is holding a container full of water
  • Blueprint of cup switches a static liquid component from invisible to visible
    => Very simple interaction that is supposed to simulate filling a cup with water from a jug.

I can implement the interaction function in the cup blueprint, but I can’t get a reference to the physicshandle of my BP_FirstPersonCharacter.

I can’t do any of the logic if I can’t determine what the player is currently holding inside the blueprint for the cup.

How do I make the grabbed object, which is stored in the UPhysicsHandle accessible in the cup blueprint?

This is what I’m working with so far:

=> Line trace, which returns an actor and the actor component the player is clicking on

Implementation of the line trace and finding of the actor.

using the interface for a light switch that already works.

So yeah, I need to access the PhysicsHandle in Blueprint, but I don’t know how to get access to it.

send that variable in the interface

That would’ve been my next attempt but is this the only way/the intended way of how to communicate with other actors/blueprints?

u have the level blueprint, cast node, event dispacher, interface… if u wanna more details u can see this unreal course