I need a way to determine how fast an actor is accelerating…
The thing Im trying to achive is that Im trying to create a simple lasersaber, and as we all know… the lasersaber makes this really physically un-correctly strange “swoom”-ish sound when it accelerates (when you “swing” the sword around)… so to apply a simple “swoom”-ish sound… I need to know if the saber is actually moving fast enough to produce the “swoom”-ish sound and then simply play the sound…
So once again… anyone happens to know how to determine the acceleration of an actor in world-space?
Hmm… maybe… how would I get the velocity?.. I just tried to simply do GetVelocity–>Print in my actors BP, but the only thing getting printed is X,Y and Z set to 0(zero)… no matter how much I move the sword around…
Ok… turns out that I had to enabled “Simulate physics”… but that ended up with a new problem… suddenly the sword falls… even if I have disabled gravity and the mass of the object…
Oh right, i forgot. :\ The only thing i can think of is to use the world rotation of the sword somehow but i cant wrap my head around it right now. Or maybe use the swing animation time. Hopefully someone else will come up with a better solution.
I would aproch this slightly differently. I’d have a humming sound effect that constantly loops as the sabre is active. Then adjust the pitch and volume of the looping sound as the as the sabre increases and decreases velocity. I haven’t tried but I imagine you should be able to get the velocity of something attached to a socket at the tip of the sabre.