How to get a static meshes socket location?

I want the world space transform of a mesh socket so I can attach roads to intersections. But the get socket transform nodes seems to only work on scene component not static meshes, so the location always returns null.

Is there a way to get a static meshes socket? In the world space?

IDK, it works fine with meshes. Can you show your setup?


It’s all there. Just pull out of your mesh to get socket transform (or location or rotation). Which ever one you need.

[Setting Up and Using Sockets With Static Meshes - Documentation][1]

I see what you mean now. But would it be easier to have a arrow component at the end point of the mesh. You could pull out its transform then.

you attach an invisible sphere on it with no colision, and then get this sphere location.
it should work :slight_smile:
(this as driven me nuts for a while :slight_smile: )

This actually doesn’t work directly with HISMs. I’ll post my answer that I figured out but you actually have to get the parent instance transform then add that to the socket transform to get the actual local transform in world.

This isn’t to far off of what I ended up having to do, I’ll post my answer that I figured out but you actually have to get the parent instance transform then add that to the socket transform to get the actual local transform in world.

I figured out but you actually have to get the parent instance transform then add that to the socket transform to get the actual local transform in world.

This actually doesn’t work directly with HISMs. I’ll post my answer that I figured out but you actually have to get the parent instance transform then add that to the socket transform to get the actual local transform in world.

The arrow was what I was gonna do originally but then I came across sockets and realized that it will be much easier for my specific needs. Cheers!