How to get a specific point on a mesh object?

I am trying to spawn a door at a specific point on a plane.

The door is a Actor BP and the Plane is an Actor BP, the plane is randomly scaling in size.

I would like to get a specific point on the edge of the plane to spawn the door at.

How can I get a specific point on the plane mesh? What blue print should I use so I can designate the point on the mesh at which the door spawns?

Thank you in advance!

If the plane is in a BP, then I’d add a scene component at the point where you want to spawn the door. If you attach it to the plane, it will move and scale with it. No code, you just ‘hang’ the scene under the plane mesh in the component hierarchy.

As for spawning the door, you need to have the meshes in the door BP correctly positioned so that when you spawn the actor it’s pivot point is in the right place.

That’s about it… :slight_smile: