In Blueprint there is a node called ‘Random Rotator’ that gives a random rotation. I’m wondering if there is a similar function for C++.
Ofcourse there are several ways to do this myself, but it would be nice to use a single function if it already exists.
I have checked FMath, FQuat, and FRotator but i didn’t find a reference to such a function.
Does anyone know, otherwise, could this be implemented? It would be nice if all blueprint functions have an equivalent C++ function, even nicer if there was some quick way to look up what C++ is similar to what blueprint node (since so many tutorials are only for blueprint)
You may wish to look in UnrealMath.h, KismetMathLibrary.h (this is where most Blueprints flow through), UnrealMathUtility.h and UnrealMathVectorCommon.h for implementations that you are looking for.
Hope this helps,
Otherwise make it by yourself as a static function:
FRotator UMyHelperCLass::FRandomRotator()
const float pitch = FMath::FRandRange(-180.f, 180.f);
const float yaw = FMath::FRandRange(-180.f, 180.f);
const float roll = FMath::FRandRange(-180.f, 180.f);
return FRotator(pitch, yaw, roll);
As far as I know most BP functions call an existing c++ function, then just Ctrl+Shift+f in VS and search for keywords you have on the BP node
I already mentioned “Ofcourse there are several ways to do this myself…”
How many hits do you think I would get when I search for the words random and rotator in the complete C++ source code of unreal engine?
this is it:
FRotator UKismetMathLibrary::RandomRotator(bool bRoll)
FRotator RRot;
RRot.Yaw = FMath::FRand() * 360.f;
RRot.Pitch = FMath::FRand() * 360.f;
if (bRoll)
RRot.Roll = FMath::FRand() * 360.f;
RRot.Roll = 0;
return RRot;
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