We don’t want our flying pawns to be moved by projectiles, but we want to draw impact decals at the exact hit positions.
- We observe, that client pawns get rotated by hitting a projectile (primarily while flying towards the projectile).
- If we switch from blocking to overlap collision, we don’t get the exact hit position anymore.
Adjusting the objects mass ratio can reduce the problem, but does not solve it.
Is there a way to ignore / override the collision response, but still get the exact hit location?
We observed projectiles can be a performance bottleneck when physics simulation is not enabled, so ideally this would work with “Simulate physics” enabled.
I think its possible to register custom response callbacks if we go down to the PhysX layer, but I would like to keep my hands away from that.
There are already a couple of unsolved posts which I think are all basically facets of the same problem
- How to get collision info from overlap events? - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums
- Projectile Collision - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums
- Determine the position of collision with OnComponentBeginOverlap - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums
- Disable object phycis's but keep hit event - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums