How to get a mesh from another blueprint ?
I would like to do that: Cast posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine (this is the pawn blueprint)
But it’s not working cause it miss the object, but I don’t know what is it and what to wire, I only need the mesh variable.
theres several issues with the bp you posted. first there is no exe pin so the cast will never fire. second theres no object in so the even if the cast was fired it would always fail.
also i cant foresee any reason to apply force to only the static mesh of an actor. you should probably be adding force to the entire actor to avoid other problems.
What object should I wire then to get the static mesh component ?
the object needs to be a reference to the object you are trying to move. otherwise the script wont know what to move it will just know that the item will be of the ball_Bluprint_C class. basically computers are not aware of things you dont tell them explicitly, so if you dont tell it what to move it wont move anything.