How to get a lower MaxSimulationTimeStep?

I have two yellow warnings in my Log.
It must be because of something related to my AI.
But I don’t see any problem in the game. Everything seems fine.

I read the manual but it doesn’t say why this happens or how to fix it.

I have no idea what is causing the problem.

Does anyone know what it could be?

Thank you very much!!

My AI falls a little when it is spawned (one second only) because the capsule can’t be too low to the ground (to avoid collision problems).
However i do not remember to see this warnings before.
I don´t know if it is related or is it something else!!

Hey Bro, Same issue here. Have you fixed this problem yet?

Hi, No, I couldn’t solve it.

But in my case I think it is a problem at the moment of spawning.
It is the only moment in which the pawn falls.
It also falls in a strange way.
It does not fall on a straight way to the ground.
And once it was thrown very hard to the side and crashed into the wall very violently.
So I think there is some mysterious mystical force that the pawn applies when he appears on the scene.
And I suspect that it is to blame for this warning.
I have to investigate that.


Two years later…

I don’t remember how I solved the problem… it was just a character falling after spawning.

But today I found this in the documentation.

  • lower MaxSimulationIterations and MaxSimulationTimeStep from their defaults. The default is pretty aggressive for high-quality simulation, but you can usually get away with only 2, maybe 4 iterations with longer timesteps. In the case of a network or CPU spike, this avoids double simulation intended to smooth out movement over the longer time delta.

Then you can adjust the values ​​in the character movement component.

I would like to know what is the maximum recommended value for MaxSimulationTimeStep for 4 iterations.