How to get a Drop-Down list without using an Enum?

Hi all!
I need to create a drop-down list of available textures in the details panel of my blueprint, but without using an Enum. The reason is I want artists to be able to add textures to an blueprint array, and use that array in the blueprint to generate a drop-down list. If I use an Enum, then artist will have to also update the Enum to match the texture array…

I am trying to avoid resorting to writing a plugin for custom blueprint nodes, so how can I do this without c++?


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Just a bump :slight_smile:

Do you want something like this?:

It is basicly two type of arrays, where you can add new options and select a material from the imported textures you have inside your folders. The second option is the index, so you can specify, which slot you want to use from your added options.

EDIT: I didn’t miss click in the video. Normally there will be a menü showing all your materials, but somehow my capture software screwed up :/.

Could you re-upload the GIF please? It sounds like what I am looking for yes.

Sorry about that. I will update the image right away.

Here is the blueprint graph anyway:

Important note: It still has the limitation to only update the first material ID. If you have multiple material ID’s, this system will not work for that.

Which engine version do you use? If you want more functionality I may be able to create a blueprint and send it to you, which you can put in your content folder and works out of the box (that is, why I would need your engine number) :). This above is just a hack job and basic in it’s setup.

Thanks for info and sorry for the late reply.

The thing is I don’t want the array to be exposed and don’t want to use an index to choose between the different textures. What I would like to do is convert the array into an enum within the blueprint, and just switch on that enum to show the drop-down list.

Sorry for the jurassic bump, but can’t we create a drop down list without enumerators still? It’s such a basic concept, feels kinda dumb having to pollute your content browser with new assets for making a list you’ll use once in one single function.