So, I am trying create a new component from c++ which needs to get other components as variable in the same blueprint. I am writing this to get variable:
In the list, there are a few that catch my eye as candidates to fix your problem: AllowedClasses (and possibly paired with ExactClass) and AllowEditInlineCustomization.
Also, I’m pretty sure that UE5 wants us to use TObjectPtr<> for UPROPERTIES and not raw pointers
To fix your issue and allow selecting the component directly in the Blueprint, you should use FComponentReference instead of a raw pointer. Replace your property with UPROPERTY(Category = "Tween", EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) FComponentReference SceneComponentRef;. This will let you select components directly from the dropdown in the Blueprint Editor without showing child classes. FComponentReference is specifically designed for referencing components within the same Blueprint and ensures safe serialization. Alternatively, you can use TObjectPtr<USceneComponent> if you’re using UE 5.1 or higher, which is a safer modern approach for UObject references.