How to get a character to an exact location?

I’m working on an open-door animation, and I need to plant the character in front of the door to start the animation. I’m using a Simple Move to Location in the gif above, but it does not seem to center the character over the location, rather it seems once the character collides with that point, they stop. I show it from both the right and left of the door to show the character does not move to the same location. How can I get a character to move centered on an exact point?

Bonus question: Do you have any tips on making animations between objects line up correctly? So far, I’ve been using control rigs and IKs. Thank you for the help.


Is it maybe that huge collision block the character is carrying? :slight_smile:

What’s the collision profile ( of that block ) set to?

You might get further with a small capsule around the character, but a cube collsion around the door.

You can move the character artificially, using code, when the get near.

Also, are you sending the character to the door location, or a spot in front of the door?

you can try the animation warping plugin. Youtube has some tutorials but they’re mostly on vaulting but the mechanisms is similar of aligning your animation to a specific location and play an animation.

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Interesting idea and observation. Would the collision block change the center of the character controller? The box’s preset is OverlapAllDynamic.

I’ll try some other methods like you suggested with the object having the collision. The reason I put the collision on the character was I was trying out an interface to universally interact with any other interfaceable object.

I’m sending the character to a Scene Component in the Interfacing Blueprint, the door. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

I think it’s probably ok to have this huge box :slight_smile:

If the character has to be in a certain position before interaction, then each object needs an ‘indicator’ ( position and rotation ), it expects the character to adopt.

When the character tries to interact, the door can shift them into the correct orientation before the animation plays.

I will look a little ‘shonky’ when you shift the player, but at least the interaction will look good.

I answered this once before ( naturally can’t find that ). We put a scene component in the blueprint for the correct character orientation

and then shifted the player into place with a timeline ( from current transform to required transform ).

So, the original order of events was

  1. Approach door
  2. Send interact message ( disable player controls )
  3. Play animation and door opens
  4. Enable player controls

Now, the order of events is

  1. Approach door
  2. Send request to interact ( disable controls )
  3. Door asks player to correct position
  4. Door send message to player to play animation and opens itself
  5. Enable player
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For me, the easiest way to get a char and prop to line up precisely when used is to use TInterp to slide them into place. Simple Moveto just has too large an acceptance radius for this, and the fancier movetos really only work with AI controllers. The Smart Object plugin works well for lining up AI pawns with props, but unfortunately it seems it doesn’t work right with players yet.

If your door/chairs/whatevs have a scene component to mark where the user should be, pass its transform to an event on the character which TInterps from current transform to the incoming trans and set the actors transform from that. May want to break open the transform pins to skip the actor scale though.

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Character BP

Door BP

Door Event Graph

My issue with this setup is the sliding into position looks quite jarring. I am trying to make smooth “realistic” animations for the characters to move into place. This is going to either require Motion Warping (plugin component) or an alternate and additional method to add movement input so the Anim BP can track movement, the kicker there is I’ll need the correct calculations for the distance and speed from current position to the stance point. Off the top of my head, I don’t know those. Anyone have an idea how to accomplish what I’m trying to do? Thank you for reading this.

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I know it has been a while since you last interacted with this post, but do you happen to know how I can move the character to the correct position with movement animations? Simple Move To stops short of the position. Move Component To get me exactly where I want to be, but the Anim BP does not register the movement. I have yet to get AI Move To or Move To Location or Actor to work with a possessed character. Any ideas?

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No that I don’t know, I’m afraid. Not my area :frowning:

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