How to get a bone location in world space in C++?

I’m doing this in a ActorComponent of a Character.

here’s my code:

AActor* characterActor = NULL;

characterActor = GetOwner();

playermesh = Cast (characterActor->GetComponentByClass(USkeletalMeshComponent::StaticClass()));

FVector head_loc = playermesh->GetBoneLocation(“head”, EBoneSpaces::WorldSpace);

But I found that the result location head_loc is all zero.(0, 0, 0)
what’s wrong with my code ?

Check out bone name. In some cases bone names in Unreal are not the same with those in model (prefixes, suffixes can be added). Perhaps that helps.


Give this a shot.

You will need to #include your character’s header in the cpp.
This should work… hope it helps.

#include "<put your character's header in cpp>"

// Called when the game starts
void UMyActorComponent::BeginPlay()

        // Get the owner of this component
	AActor* CharacterOwner = GetOwner();

        // Cast the owner to my character
	AMyCharacter* MyCharacter = Cast<AMyCharacter>(CharacterOwner);

        // check the cast is valid
	if (MyCharacter )
                // Get the bone of interest.
                // Double check in PERSONA that name and spelling match!!!
		FName HeadBone = "Head";
		FVector BoneLocation = MyCharacter->GetMesh()->GetBoneLocation(HeadBone,EBoneSpaces::WorldSpace);
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Head bone location is : %s"), *BoneLocation.ToString());
