How to get a 2d sprite to follow player in a 3d world?

im making an fps similar to doom where all the enemies are 2d sprites always facing you.
i have already taken care of the facing part but i’m having trouble with getting them to follow the player.

this works a little bit but as i move around the enemies just start randomly going to random directions.
what am i doing wrong?

If the Goal is your main player , use “Get Player Pawn” or “Get Player Character” instead of “Get Player Controller”

does not work they still just drag across the ground and then very slowly start going in random directions and ‘‘sometimes’’ follow the player

im handling the facing like this! is this interrupting with the directions somehow?

Yes , here is a way to do it :

i actually fixed this a little bit i changed angular drag from 0.0 to 0.1 and they seem to just have been sliding as if there was an ice floor beneath them. I think the problem is that their walk speed is incredibly slow! how can i speed this up? i have been fiddling with the walk and acceleration values and they seem to have no effect on this :O!