How to generate smoke effect on a ever-changing mesh?

Hi there !

Here comes a tricky quesion :

I am using UE4 4.18 with Flex and Flow function for a project.

I would like to attach Flow(or smoke effect) on Flex-generated fluid.
The Flex-generated fluid will keep changing into any random shape, any random size and with rotation,
it changes in this second it is as big as a baseball but it becomes serval long metal-melting shape.

This is the effect that I want to do, but the mesh(or fluid) should keep changing shapes, and the smoke effect generate depends on its shape:

I know the PhyX from Nivida is coming out, but we don’t know its exact date
and the deadline of this project is coming !!!
I have spent countless hours to figuer it out… Please give me some suggestion !

Thank you very much !!