How to Generate PCG Actors in Overlapped Trigger Box's Specific Spline?

I want to create a system where monsters are spawned when entering a room, similar to The Binding of Isaac.

Here’s what I’ve implemented:

  • When the player overlaps a trigger box, a PCG system is used to randomly generate monsters inside a spline within the trigger box.
  • I’ve created several dungeon modules, each with the functionality to randomly spawn monsters within the spline using PCG.
  • Using Spawn Actor, I randomly placed these dungeon modules throughout the level.

The problem is:
No matter which trigger box the player overlaps with, the PCG system always spawns monsters in the spline of the first generated module.

I suspect this is because in the PCG setup, I’ve set Get Spline Data to reference the class, which results in it always using the first instance.

What I want to achieve:
When the player overlaps a trigger box, I want the PCG system to only work on the spline inside that specific trigger box.

How can I achieve this?