How to generate an event from physics constraint limit/breakage?

Unreal 5.3, blueprint proyect

I’m using a skeletal mesh with physics constraints for a rope in Unreal Engine.
I use linear limits prevent excessive stretching in a straight line, the rope stretches unnaturally when navigating around objects since the linear limits only helps when its straight.

I have one physics constraint from one end of the rope to the player, and another one from the other end of the rope to wherever it lands.

Is there a way to detect this excessive stretching to limit the player from moving farther away?

I tried using the OnConstraintBroken and OnPlasticDeformation events with a print on them but they never send anything.

Below I’ll leave an image showing the problem with the rope:

Haven’t resolved it, but what i did do is just check the position of the bone of the front of the rope, and when its not at the same place as the player i delete the actor. Its not my intended way, but so far its what i could do. Any help will still be appreciated :smiley:

Finally what i did was using the bone positions. The bones are at 20cm apart from each other, when multiple bones are avoer a threshold (i used 30cm) the player gets pulled to the 2nd closest bone (Bone_002) which in a way pulls the player towards the las edge the rope has gone through.

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