How To: Gathering Mining Harvesting

I have been searching high and low for a tutorial to make a blueprint for a Gather/Mining Node, that’s also respawnable.
What I want to end up with is:
-A static mesh that can be placed in the world
-Press a “use” Key to gather
-A progress bar will appear that decreases as you mine/gather
-Will spit out an item (ore,plant,Etc) that can be looted (Don’t worry about this part)
-Disappear and respawn after a certain amount of time

I’m sure there are many other people looking for this too.

Can anyone point me towards one?
I’ve got the basics for it down, but at this stage of it, it ends up breaking my melee attack combos…

Thanks all

Edited to change what I want to end up with list

Imo this is pretty basic blueprinting… So way i would do this is:
Create base actor “material_base”, then create child classes like “material_ore” or “material_iron”…
Create another actor “material_loot_base”, create child classes like “material_loot_iron”…

I dont have idea how you want to harvest it, but lets say pickaxe smash overlap…
Place collision to your base materials, event on component begin overlap -> call event “harvest”
harvest -> spawn actor from class -> spawn iron ore (add projectile movement for effect :smiley: little up and to side, with gravity and friction)
Then grab ore by overlap or dunno, input key? how you want… actor will be added to your inventory and then destroyed…

Progress bar is easy, disappearing and “respawn” is easy too (hide, show, not destroy)…

Thanks for the reply, although a little condescending. It may be basic for you, but not for everyone!
As well, I’m coming off an almost 6 month hiatus, and I’m rusty as hell on BPs. :stuck_out_tongue:
Hence the reason I asked about tutorials, even if it’s multiple tutorials for separate aspects.
I just haven’t found any tutorials that deal with these things individually, or as a whole, that work well.
So, thanks for the reply, but I’m still looking for a tutorial, or a couple of them.

this tutorial learned me almost everything (maybe 95%) what i need for blueprinting games

It took me about 2 months but it was definitely worth it

Your OP implies that you already have something.

Can you tell us how far along you are? Depending on how I interpret your “it interferes with my melee system” line, it sounds to be somewhere between “I already have everything but it interferes with melee” or “I barely have anything but my first attempts already interfere with my melee”.
In the former case it would obviously be more important to talk about your melee interaction than the actual system.

Anyway, what you will need:

  • 2 Blueprints. One is the item you describe in your OP, the other the one you mention as “loot”. Both would be of type Actor.
    My favourite tutorial on this stuff is this one:
    It makes me feel like I’m watching a ****ing computer wizard, though it may be a bit too fast for some.
    The tutorial shows you how to pick up an item and also throw it back into the world. The former can be used for both of your items, the latter for your loot thing. It also has a bunch of UI stuff that you likely don’t care for.
    There are some decent tutorial people on . Their videos work perfectly fine as long as you aren’t looking for someone to hold your hand.
    (If you look for sprinting tutorials, for example, you will get ridiculously simplistic implementations that don’t function as actual sprinting systems, as they allow you to also “sprint” backwards and sideways. Proper sprinting is surprisingly hard to do in the engine and I dread the day where I’ll combine it with an upgrade system.
    At least it’s not 2D Diablo-like inventories, though. I basically lost all motivation after getting hung up on that for two months, with no progress)

  • A way to interact with these blueprints
    This depends entirely on how you made your game. Is it a first-person title? Third-person? Do you use a mouse cursor?
    Personally, I like to use capsuletrace for this. Look up tutorials on using traces for interaction, as I feel that it’s the best approach in FPS and one of the better approaches in 3rd person.
    Both items will use the same method of interaction: Trace hits the object, an interface event is called on the object, object reacts to the interface.
    Look up interfaces if you don’t already know them/they aren’t part of the tutorial that you are using for this part.

Note that this will also work with a “continously press the interact button again and again” as well as “press interact once and wait for the progress bar to fill” systems, but will be harder to use with “press and hold the interact button to fill the progress bar”.

Here is an example of Interaction via tracing:https://.com/watch?v=WwfsWr4A894

  • The progress bar
    What is your problem here? New to UMG? Or do you wonder how to map the progress data to the progress bar?

  • Adjusting the blueprint of item 1 for your needs
    You want it to remain after it’s harvested, but go invisible, intangible and unable to be interacted with. You also want to reset it with a timer. And you want it to spew out “loot”.
    This shouldn’t be all that hard. To disable the blueprint’s reaction to an interaction event, you just need to use a gate. It will also be used to re-enable the interaction after the respawn time has passed.
    To go invisible and intangible, you’d have to look it up. Haven’t done this personally yet. Or maybe you want to replace the mesh with a “depleted” mesh. No idea there, either.

The “loot” item is just a simple pickup.

For more tangible information, you need to go into the specific problems that you have. Just tell us what is actually stopping your progress at this moment.
Right now I’m just shooting in the dark and giving you random suggestions that might help you or not.

Thanks for the Reply vb4,
To quote myself “I’m coming off an almost 6 month hiatus, and I’m rusty as hell on BPs”
I was merely asking if anyone knew of any good tutorials that would put me on the right track to creating a Gather/Harvest/Mining process.
The Gate was what was really tripping me up at that time. Some of the components are hard to remember if you don’t use them often!
I followed several tutorials on (Tesla, Tuto Unreal Engine and Ben Ormstad) about doing other things, but related to what I was doing and eventually got on track.
I am using the ARPGIS from the Marketplace, so I do have an inventory system that I am using.
The interaction via Tracing video is awesome, and I may implement that… as for right now, I’ve got a simple sphere collision and an overlap event.
When I have more time I will finish it up, but right now, I’m just stuck on how to have the progress bar decrease while it is shown on screen.
If the mining button is released, I’m going to have it reset and gathering will have to start again.

Here’s What it looks like so far

I built a rudimentary test system to try an approach that you could use. It’s not exactly elegant, but it works.

Here is what I did:

  • At game start, HUD gives the player character a reference to the progress bar widget

  • Player interacts through an interface with pile of rocks. The interface is used to send the aforementioned reference to the rocks.

Screenshot (99).png

You are using an overlap event, so you can instead use the “other actor” reference from the overlap event, cast to your player character type from there and get the reference.

  • The pile of rocks sends an interface message to the progress bar. This message contains the value that the progress bar should be adjusted to. (It’s the “Mining Interaction” event that you see above)

  • The progress bar itself has its “percent” property bound to a float variable. Whenever the interface message is called, this variable is changed and the progress bar adjusts accordingly. Keep in mind that the values here are between 0 and 1, not 0 and 100.

Screenshot (99).png

I hope this helps somewhat.