Hello everybody! This is the first time I’m asking for help in this great community.
Here’s my problem:
I’m trying to create an animated mesh inside of a blueprint. I’ve succeded in it except I dunno how to exactly obtain the kind of movement I was thinking about. I want this mesh to change Zscale smootly in a time set in a Timeline and a SetTimer I’m using to trigger the all thing. It all worked till I’ve added a Random Float in Range to obtain this randomized scale variations. Problem is I’d like to get the value frome the Random Float in Range only once at the beginning of the Timeline loop but i want the relative scale to change smoothly in the time I’ve set.
From what I’ve seen using a Print text the random float in range gives me a different value pretty much on every frame, so I was thinking if there is a way to “gate” that info so i can obtain it only once per cycle.
As i said need the Set Relative Scale to work instead continuosly (like it is doing now getting fired from the “update” node of the timeline) to have that smooth scale variation i was talkin about.
Here is the screenshot of the actual blueprint:
I’m quite a noob and I know nothing of C++ and I’m trying to make things work via Blueprints.
Any suggestion is welcomed by the way.
Please excuse my poor english and Thanks in advance to anybody who would/could help.
Get the random float at the beginning (between your RS event and your Timeline) and store it in a variable and then use that variable in your lerp.
You need to store both, original scale value and new random scale value before timeline. Otherwise each action (in your example - Print Text and Set Relative Scale 3D) will ask for new value each frame. This will make lerp incorrect, both values will be changed every frame.
A huge thank you guys!
I’m sorry I can mark as correct just a single answer cause they are clearly both correct.
I’ve choosen Arida one because it was the most complete (and with the blueprint!) but I cannot avoid to thank mrooney for givin the right answer so fast!
I know it was a silly thing but you both helped a lot while a was stucked!
I hope I could manage to help you back one of this days
You people are AWESOME!
p.s. @theadmins: I hope I’m not violating any rule of the answer hub by saying thanks in a answer form.
If so, excuse me please, but I don’t know how to avoid saying how grateful I am to these people helping!
Feel free to remove my answer if it is the case…but please don’t kick me out!
No problemo.
It looks like you added your thing as a comment not an answer (unless a mod changed it), but when you submit an answer you can select it to show up as a comment instead of an answer, and under every comment/answer there’s also an “add new comment” button where you can add comments that aren’t answers.
No, it was no mod, it was me. I realized you could decide how to make the answer show up only after i wrote it (while actually submitting it). I wanted to make it a comment to the both of the answer you and Arida gave me, but I wanted to not “pollute” to much the thread with a copy paste instance so I went commenting my own question…I’m a total n00b XD