How to fully stop character movement when entering dialogue

Hi there, I have a problem.

When entering UI only mode for dialogue, if I am moving when entering this mode, I will keep walking until I click my mouse. I have no control if this movement, it is just momentum.

I was wondering if there was a way to freezing the character movement when entering the dialogue, then unfreezing when leaving

Hey @Billybrush!

You can try pulling off of character movement and using the node “Stop Movement Immediately”! That should set any movement to null values.

Give that a go and let us know if there’s anything else!

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Hi there, thanks for the answer.

I got the node working and the character stops during dialogue, but I was wondering how to get the player moving again after the dialogue is complete

Add a boolean to your input code where it makes your character move. Or save a variable for when you are holding down forward button and resume movement if youre still holding the button after dialogue.

Hey again @Billybrush, sorry for the late reply!

If you are using the “Disable Movement” node you need to drag off of your character movement component and Set Movement Mode to re-enable it! Set it to walking and you should be good to go!