How to force save Debugger window on state tree be always opened in 5.5?

Whenever i open unreal engine editor i need to add debugger window in state tree window, before ue 5.5 there was no issue, since it was always saved that when i open state tree window there is the debugger open. Is it a bug or something needs to be done to force it be like this?

It looks like the debugger tab is registered on the UAssetEditorUISubsystem::TopRightTabID, but that tab ID is never invoked. Adding ModeUILayerPtr->GetTabManager()->TryInvokeTab(UAssetEditorUISubsystem::TopRightTabID); to FStateTreeEditorModeToolkit::InvokeUI() seems to fix it for me.

void FStateTreeEditorModeToolkit::InvokeUI()
	if (ModeUILayer.IsValid())
		TSharedPtr<FAssetEditorModeUILayer> ModeUILayerPtr = ModeUILayer.Pin();

I don’t believe this is fixed in ue5-main