How to force full recompile of all blueprints?

I’ve noticed that choosing to Compile in the editor doesn’t seem to recompile blueprints that you haven’t directly changed, but are still affected. Or, it doesn’t seem to be reporting that the blueprint has errors.

I deleted a struct from an actor, and didn’t see a compilation error until I opened a blueprint that accessed the struct. I would have expected that even if I didn’t have the blueprint open, it would still report some error that the blueprint was accessing a variable that no longer exists.

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If you restart the editor im sure editor will try to compile and when you have compile error that should be appaer when you try to play (or even when editor is loaded)

I dont know working solution to recompile all blueprint (there was a feature request once) just one workaround for blueprints

if i remember right you can filter the whole content for blueprints then right click asset action reload maybe? :slight_smile:
Let me know if it works

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I usually just hit Play. It will compile everything and catch any possible errors. Just one thing everyone should know: don’t save anything until you know it compiles and doesn’t crash the editor. Too many find this out the hard way – including me.


Thanks, but I’m fairly certain I’ve hit play before and even then sometimes it doesn’t catch the change. I’m probably missing something :expressionless:


Very good ideas, reloading the editor or reloading all blueprints, thanks. I’ll give it a shot next time this pops up, and if it works I’ll mark this as a solution!

I’ve run into the same issue as @Strombonni. I’ve found that the only thing that works is to manually force a recompilation of the blueprint by editing something on it so that the BP is marked as requiring compilation, then recompiling. Not a viable solution, as I’m attempting to move as many BP variables to config as possible. Every time I make a change in a config file, I have to go through this process again.

FYI : The best way I found was to package the project. It will fail and tell you why.
Far from being ideal, but that’s better than waiting until UE finally tells you something is wrong with a BP. (coz I found out that restarting is not always warning you about broken structs)

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this absolutely saved me. I’d done smth. admittedly pretty weird where I’d inserted a new base class for an exisiting blueprint to use etc., but it seemed like I’d gotten away with it and everything was fine. But then pieces started breaking one by one, and I was going crazy running around putting out fires. Until I saw this, packaged up the project and Unreal finally turned around and went “oh wait, absolutely none of this works at all!”
God I wish there was a 'No, stop being clever and actually recompile the blueprints properly" button…


Also you can try this: Compiling all project blueprints in Unreal Engine :: Sarcastic Coder
short version: run through commandline: “UE4Editor-Cmd.exe MyGame\MyProject.uproject -run=CompileAllBlueprints”
Though I would add that regularly packaging your project is still a very good idea as it can catch other similar type issues.


I wrote a free plugin that can force recompile/refresh all blueprints from the editor. Maybe it can help anyone who still has this problem.


Omg! Thank you !

thanks a lot

Omg bro. I changed a struct variable name and it broke my entire project. Over 30 blueprints had to be manually recompiled. It would have cost me the entire evening just clicking compile. Your plugin fixed it in a single click. I owe you bigtime dude. Thanks so much for making this, literal life saver.

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