Hi everybody, I have a transform data in my first person character BP and I want to force my char to go there by walking and rotating when disabling inputs. So I want an efficient method to do that if there is one already. thx
just use a simple move to location. it will make your character run/ walk to the location. to use this you will need a nav mesh bounds volume in your scene.
Oh, thanks. let me try it. but you mentioned Navmesh so is it for AI controlled characters or player itself?
it should work for both. a nav mesh is just a tool for the computer to find paths from one location to another. tis not something that is just for ai.
Yeah. It works, thanks again. But any tip for rotation as well? Simple move to location just move my character.
hmmm i was working in third person and it worked so i moved to a first person project and tested it and rotation doesnt work. in theory i would think that using the orient rotation to movement would work but for some reason it doesnt. i tried a few other things as well and didnt seem to get them to work. im not sure on that one, maybe someone else will chime in on this issue. ill let you know if i come up with something though.
thanks, I will post the solution if I find it too.
after some tests I think it’s related to “Use Controller Rotation Yaw”. I’m trying to make it work perfectly now.