I’m trying to create a third person player game in which you can change to fps view. The problem is I need to forbid the fps cam to turn more then a certain angle so it won’t look at characters head. I can’t use control rotation yaw, because it ruins my animations.
The usual approach here is that when in FPS mode, you should only render the player arms (if you need them) and nothing else. You’d probably want to have a different static mesh component for FPS and Third Person, and just enable the one you want at the time. This approach will basically fix the problem as well as giving players the control systems they are used to.
If that’s not the way you want to go then you can limit the angle of the camera. I’m not sure if there is a built in way through the movement controller, but basically you’ll want to compare the rotation of the camera vs the forward direction of the player model. If that goes outside of a tolerance then prevent further input.