How to [For Each Loop] thru Array of Data Table Handles, and repeat [code] for each handle?

UE4.27, Arrays, Loops, and Construction Scripts:

    • So that each Handle (in the Array, there are 6), loops through code, in order from 0 to 5, (thus I am unsure if I need to use a For Each Loop, or with Break, or another cycle node?).
  • (If I used a single variable for each armor part, then I have to copy/paste the same code many times, which makes it messy. I want to get it right because I will be using this code in other actors and Event tabs, to set 10 part sets. And I need to save time in how I set the vars.)

    • And in the Construction script? (Warning if you test my code: You have to be careful with infinite-loop errors in the Construction tab, or else Engine locks and if the test asset was saved with Construct pin connected, the project is load-locked, unless you do a fix I found.)
      UE4 break Construct pin before compiling or saving untested code 3c
    • If I use For Loops, am unsure what to connect as outpins [in the context of my DT Row Handle names] for the Array Element vs Array Index?
    • I tried using a Map variable. But it is restrictive: I can only make 1 Key (not 6, or I have to make them in reverse), or I cant link the correct DT row handle? (I can only type in the Name (2nd column) of the Data Table row - which I dont want because I want to select the [item name] by using a dropbox, not have to type it in manually.)

Please help (and show pics), this has stalled me for days. Ty.

Anyone know? Ive tried many things. Even tried breaking the Array into 6 single DT Row Handles (like the vars in the yellow comment). And I put the Set Master Pose and SK mesh in a function.
Then made 6 copies of calls to that function, and 6 copies of single vars to connect to each function pin, in the Construction tab. And it’s crashing the engine.