I am having trouble with an access error occurring in the Hit Component included in the Hit Result.
Since this is from On Component Hit, I don’t think this will normally be empty, but if it hits a geometry collection, this error will occur.
Fortunately, I don’t use this value at all, so it’s not a problem, but it’s annoying that the error always occurs.
Is there a way to remove or just ignore the error from this struct?
There is a small correction. The error was occurring not from the On Hit Component, but from the line trace that was executed afterwards.
I tried to use Is Valid to assign a different value if the value is invalid, but an error occurs.
So the error is probably coming from Is Valid.
Also, when I do a Print String, it just prints an empty line. These only happens with Geometry Collections, other objects print the component name just fine.
It was about performing an additional trace, since collision did not return enough data to get a face, afair. Admittedly, there’s probably more ways to handle it.