How to fix this constant stuttering with FPS and ms drop?

Shader compiling and light build is done. But what causes these freezes / shutteting?

First off, it could be code. Do you have much, or is the level just meshes?

It looks like another application, try closing everything else.

Also, wonder about anti-virus, is it causing the hitch.

only meshes, no code. it still stutters when every other application is closed
also anti-virus isn’t arguing and it is still freezes when AV is off

Ok, then you have to start looking at the profiling tools:

did you check shadow maps ?

I don’t have this option in UE4.27 (the project uses this version)

hey ORTyOW, did you ever find the causes of the stuttering?

I am having quite the same issue, usually when Niagar is involved, but also had it in no Niagara scenes.

I have a similar fps drop pattern, peaking in gpu and draw. This usually do NOT happen in Unllit view, but happens also in Lit even though particles are just a solid sprite with no shader complexity.

Hope someone can think of something, as I am struggling with this since 5.2 I think.
