I’m using a Montage to play the “aiming” animation setup everytime I hold the aim button, but I wanted to make the body to follow the mouse, so I added all that script with the Yaw and Pitch thing from this tutorial:
The blueprint part looks fine to me, but it messes up in the Anim Offset.
I have the aimCenter pose (for the offset) and the aimLoop (for the montage; the “idle” base pose).
–When the Preview Base Pose is set to none, it looks like this: - YouTube
–When I use the aimLoop as the Preview Base Pose, the offset looks like this: - YouTube
–When I use the aimCenter pose as the Preview Base Pose, the offset looks like this: - YouTube
The aimCenter is set to Mesh Additive and the aimLoop is set to Not Additive. Is it a problem with the animation? Or the skeleton? I don’t know how to fix it!
I appreciate your help.