How to Fix Snapping Issue?

While trying to place a Speed Boost on an Obstacle Course Roof it snaps weirdly

How do I fix this snapping issue?

Hi MelonPoint, Welcome to the Forums.

In the World Settings tab there is an option for ‘Disable Editor Cell Snap’

Are you able to get results you want by turning that off?

I have turned this option off but the problem is still not fixed

It didn’t fix the problem yet sadly

I just tried for myself, and am seeing some wildly unexpected behavior.

I searched the forums for ‘Speed Boost’ and found this related issue.

Feel free to create a new issue in the bug reporting section if you don’t think that encapsulates the problem. (I’m also noticing this happens with the ‘Fire Trap’ in the Consumables folder)

I was able to work around this bug by placing a Floor, attaching speedboost to that, then rotating the floor and then rotating the speedboost.

Hope that helps.

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