How to fix repetitive tiling?


As you can see in the attached screenshot I am trying to create a fence out of wooden planks. I downloaded the texture from Quixel. When applying it to the fence, I need to set a higher tiling value. Doing this of course results in repetitive tiling that is clearly visible.
What is the best way to get rid of these kind of problems?

Thanks for any help!

This is about landscape, but the principle still applies.


There are a few options, and all of them require work in the material.

Option 1 is to have a number of different plank textures (say, 10 or more,) and have a function that lets you choose one of them randomly for each segment. This could be a texture array, or just UV offset/flipbook style.

Option 2 is to have a “large scale variation” texture on top, that adds ligthing and normal noise, and that is stretched such that it covers many of the planks and thus adds variation. You can even do this more than once, if you want “variation at the 1m scale,” “variation at the 10m scale,” and “variation at the 100m scale.” You can use the same UV coordinate set scaled down, if you generate it going out into the 100s, or you can use world coordinates as a UV input (probably need to scale that by 0.01 or 0.001 to get something useful, then.)

Option 3 is to combine the two options, in a way that blends between the materials using the large-scale variation texture. (You can also use procedural noise for the variation texture, although that’s frequently more expensive than a simple texture sample operation.)

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I’ve got a tutorial linked below that shows various ways to de-tile. It also has free material functions that can be used. (It’s talking about landscapes but the same principles apply)


Thank you guys for all the support! I’ll take a look at all of these sources and try them out to see which fit best! :slight_smile:


You could always have it scale with distance (I’ve doe this for terrain textures, not 100% it will work well with fences) or you could have a grunge modifier that will help break up detail by adding in some large shapes, layer this with a few other grunges that are packed in a texture, some addition mesh breakup or fence mesh variations, and you are good to go! :smile:

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